Worship at Connexion

Join us for worship Sundays at 10:10am in person and over Zoom

Join us in worship every Sunday at 10:10am! We meet masked in person at 149 Broadway, Somerville Ma 02144 and on Zoom at the same time

To join us online for Sunday worship, you can click the link above to log in using the Zoom app. From your computer or your smartphone, you’ll have a choice of having your video camera on so that others can see you, or you can leave it turned off.

Crafting Faith: Connecting Emotions & Spirit

This Lenten season, Connexion UMC invites you to join us for a unique spiritual journey that explores the powerful connection between our emotions and faith. Drawing inspiration from Caitlin Metz's book "Feel Something, Make Something," our five-week series creates space for honest emotional exploration through simple creative practices.

Each Sunday features a hands-on activity connected to the week's scripture and emotional theme—from journal decorating to seed planting to stone painting. Together, we'll navigate the emotional landscape of Lent: acknowledging our feelings in the wilderness, finding sacred shelter, cultivating patience, experiencing homecoming, and marking our spiritual milestones.

No artistic experience necessary! All materials provided for both in-person and virtual participants. Contact Pastor Jordan to request a Lenten Series Box with supplies if you'll be joining us online.

Come experience Lent in a new way as we craft our faith together!

Sermons at Connexion

As a United Methodist Church, Connexion gathers weekly to worship. To hear the messages shared check out our weekly sermon podcast!


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